Solved with once collective bargaining! We made an IT company, cancelling job offer, accept the responsibility.


We, Sendai Keyaki Union, report to solve labor problem about cancelling job offer by S company where the headquarters of the IT company are located in Sendai.

Details in Japanese(ブログへ


〇 S company apologized for cancelling job offer

In the collective bargaining, T who is suffered from cancelling job offer explained that; –the cancellation made unemployment period and bad effect on her life although she moved for the job to Sendai and it costed a lot, it wasted due to the cancellation And she condemned the S company’s thoughtless action.

The company apologized about the sudden cancellation.



〇 Gaining the agreeable level by once collective bargaining

Although S company recognized the cancellation and apologized, compensation was not agreeable. However, making a protest against a measure in the collective bargaining, the company promised T paying satisfactory money. Then, this case was completed. It was speedy to solve the problem that we spend only one month from lodging to completion.

Moreover, the company promised they never cancel job offer such as this case in the future. We, union, hope there is never victim like this case.


〇Comment from T

I succeeded the collective bargaining by union member’s cooperation. During preparing the collective bargaining, I wondered like “should I give up the collective bargaining and focus on job hunting?”. Moreover, I had had no appetite and sleepless night until the company signed the agreement. However, I gained the satisfied result by union member’s cooperation. If I had not determined to fight, I couldn’t gain. I realized again that my decision was right and If one person asks union’s help, anyone can gain the force to fight against the society. I feel full of a sense of accomplishment.    

The result is also not only making S company paying compensation and let them reflecting on. I think I could show to the society that we can protest against unfair treatment. It is not “it cannot be helped” that you give up to protest against cancelling job offer, long hours of hard work and unpaid work. Not live for work, but work for live.

By the way, I write the reason why I think I join a union.

It was time when I visited open air museum in Sweden. When I talked with a staff wearing traditional clothes about exhibition, the staff asked me what I think about Sweden. I answered “I desired to visit this country because I respect the country’s high welfare.”. Then, the staff responded “that is not true”, and “young people think it is usual that they have the right to receive the welfare. That is not true. This is the right that we protested and won.”

Notification about cancelling job offer reminded me of the conversation. Why is extremely bad work environment permitted usually in Japan? That’s why we don’t protest against the environment. Here are mates protesting together. Let’s raise your voice.

Followings are union address. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
TEL: 022-796-3894 (Weekdays: 5:00PM – 9:00PM/Holidays: 1:00PM – 5:00PM/Wednesday: close)
twitter: @sendaikeyaki_u
Facebook: @sendaikeyakiunion


